An essential component of preventive medicine is nutritional medicine: being overweight and an unbalanced diet are responsible for a large number of preventable diseases. As certified nutritional physicians, we are qualified to support you in this area and work with you to develop a concept that is tailored to your needs.
Arrange an appointment by calling:
tel. . +49 (0)4503/7040453 or emailing:
Indications for a nutritional medical consultation include, for example:
Bioimpedance analysis is used to determine your body-fat percentage, muscle mass and your personal basal metabolic rate (energy consumption of the body under resting conditions). The combination of the two analytical methods is the ideal way to systematically plan a weight reduction and to check and, if necessary, optimise the course of such a measure.
Therapeutic fasting is an established naturopathic form of therapy for activating the body's own ability to regenerate. This can reduce physical complaints, improve symptoms of chronic diseases and increase resistance to stress.
Depending on the symptoms and individual possibilities, fasting can last from a few days to several weeks.
Accompanying measures:
Accompanying measures during fasting, such as vital substance therapy and balneotherapy (Kneipp treatments) activate the metabolic processes and thus support detoxification.
To restore and maintain metabolic functions, the supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to the body is essential. Testing by means of bioresonance is a non-invasive way of determining the state of vital substances.